Run a transformation from the Windows cmd
Run a transformation from the Windows command line
Run a transformation from shell
Run a job from the Windows cmd
Run a job from the Windows command line
Run a job from shell
Running a transformation
To run a job from the cmd you need to use the "Pan" batch file. The script is located in the main Pantaho folder.
Create the "execute_from_cmd" folder in the "Repository explorer."
Create a dummy transformation.
Create a dummy job.
Run the job to test it.
The information needed to run the transformation can be found in the "Repository Connection" window.
To get the details edit the repository.
The Information how to run a Pentaho process can be found on the Pentaho Wiki pages:
Run the dummy transformation:
Pan.bat /rep:penrep_id /user:admin /pass:admin /dir:/execute_from_cmd /trans:tr_dummy /level:Detailed
/rep: - a repository
/user: - the repository user name
/user: - the repository password
/dir: - the repository directory
/trans: - the repository transformation to run
/level: - logging level
To write the results to the log file use the "/log" clause:
Pan.bat /rep:penrep_id /user:admin /pass:admin /dir:/execute_from_cmd /trans:tr_dummy /level:Detailed /log:C:\a_example_log_file.log
/rep: - a repository
/user: - the repository user name
/user: - the repository password
/dir: - the repository directory
/trans: - the repository transformation to run
/level: - logging level
/log: - the logging file
Running a job
To run the job from the cmd you need to use the "Kitchen" batch file. The script is located in the main Pantaho folder.
The Information how to run the a Pentaho job can be found on the Pentaho Wiki pages:
or the Infocenter pages:
Run the dummy job:
Kitchen.bat /rep:penrep_id /user:admin /pass:admin /dir:/execute_from_cmd /job:jb_dummy /level:Basic
This time to write the results to the log file redirect the output
Kitchen.bat /rep:penrep_id /user:admin /pass:admin /dir:/execute_from_cmd /job:jb_dummy /level:Basic > C:\a_example_log_file.log