To run Pentaho you need to install Java first. Required Java version can be found in the run batch or shell script. Both files, Spoon.bat and, are located in the main Pentaho folder.
The next step is selecting of a proper JDBC driver which is associated with the Oracle and Java version.
JDBC drivers can be found on the Oracle's website:
Download the driver, i.e.: ojdbc6.jar and place it in the following directory:
Naming convention:
o - Oracle
jdbc - Java database connectivity
6 - Java 6 (1.6)
Information about the connection string can be found on the Penaho's wiki website:
Use one of the examples or copy a section from the tnsnames.ora file:
Place the connection string in the "Database Name" field, the "Port Number" can be omitted or set to "-1".
Press the "Test" button.